A Statement of Concern on the Situation in Tibet

Von Focus on the Global South (26.3.2008)

We are saddened and alarmed that the peaceful protest led by Buddhist monks in the Tibetan capital and the wave of sympathy protests in the neighboring Tibetan areas has drawn a strong response from the Chinese authorities. We also deplore the riots, even though we understand the problems that gave rise to them.

We are concerned about the police and military build-up in response to these events not only in Lhasa but also in Tibetan areas of western China.

We believe that the current news blockade and censorship of the media are not helpful for the Chinese people and the international community and damage the credibility of the Chinese government.

The problems in Tibet are complex and long-standing and the demands for cultural and religious freedoms are well known. However, the more recent rapid economic development of the region has created huge inequalities and further marginalized Tibetans. As we have seen in many other regions of the world, inequality and marginalization are the consequences of

rapid economic development and globalization, all too often resulting intensions and conflicts. These tensions and conflicts cannot be addressed through force and suppression, but rather through dialogue based on respect.

As concerned Asians, we call on the Chinese government to respect the aspirations of the Tibetan people, to listen seriously to their problems, and to engage in open and transparent talks with the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan groups.

We believe that violence offers no solution and we call for restraint from both sides: the Chinese government should not arrest innocent people and should give fair trial to those who allegedly committed crimes during the riots. We also advise Tibetans to avoid attacking or

destroying properties of civilian ethnic Chinese and Muslims as this could result to more militarization.

We urge the authorities to allow foreign and independent press to enter the region to ensure that events are reported and for arrests of protesters or suspected rioters to be known.

Finally, we ask the governments of India and Nepal to desist from using

force to disperse demonstrations by exiled Tibetans in support of their compatriots and to allow them freedom of speech and assembly.

Signed: Focus on the Global South (Thailand, Philippines, India)