EL expresses Solidarity with the next Flotilla to Gaza


The Party of the European Left expresses all its full solidarity with the next Flotilla that will leave soon to Gaza to bring humanitarian aid to the Palestinians that are suffering the siege.

We do support all those activists that bravely are going in the boats, among them Willy Meyer, Member of the European Parliament and member of the Executive Board of the ELP.

It is worthy to remember that the flotilla that tried to reach Gaza last year nine activists were killed after the attack by Israeli soldiers. We denounced – at that time and we still do it – the total impunity for this crime by the State of Israel.

This flotilla is in line with the UN Resolution 1860 that asks for the opening of humanitarian corridors in order to ensure the supply of humanitarian aid.

We urge the High Representative Catherine Ashton as well as the different governments of the Member States to ensure the security of these activists, who are European citizens.

The EL demands the end of the occupation by Israel of the Palestinian territories by Israel and we urge to the international community to recognize the independent State of Palestine side by side with the State of Israel.

Maite Mola, on behalf of EL Presidency


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