EU-Vertrag ist an Irland gescheitert


Der EU-Reformvertrag ist bei der Volksabstimmung in Irland durchgefallen. Nach offizieller Auszählung von mehr als der Hälfte der Wahlbezirke lagen die Reformgegner mit 53,5 Prozent zu 46,5 Prozent deutlich vorn, wie der staatliche Rundfunksender RTE am Freitag berichtete. Das Endergebnis sollte noch am späten Nachmittag (17.00 Uhr MESZ) bekanntgegeben werden.

How Ireland voted, Bezirksergebnisse auf RTE, Ireland

Erste Pressestellungnahme der EL von Graziella Mascia, Vice-President of the European Left:

On the result of the Irish referendum , Brussels, 13/06/08

"The NO against the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland, after the French and Dutch NO against the previous constitutional treaty, confirms the strong dissent amongst the citizens for the undemocratic method and neoliberal nature upon which Europe is built and conversely thrown into a crisis. This dissent cannot be ignored like the governments did before by proposing again the same framework and policies once rejected by the French and Dutch people.

The NO-campaign in Ireland must not be seen as a no against Europe, but as a radical criticism of the current policies and as an alternative idea of a social and democratic Europe. In the light of two recent acts by the European Council, specifically the directive for the unreasonable extension of the working time and the directive for the detention of migrants up to 18 months, this criticism is in fact well-founded.

The social, economic and civil conditions of this Europe are unbearable and demand strong and new answers. We underline that a new democratic process involving the European citizens is necessary. New contents, social and civil rights, policies of peace, cohesion and ecology, as well as civil values, which inspire the construction of Europe, are necessary. And it is crucial that the people can express themselves on a new framework through a European referendum".