Solidaritätskundgebung für die Beschäftigten Griechenlands

Foto: European Left


Wir rufen dazu auf, sich am Mittwoch 5. Mai den internationalen Solidaritätsak­tionen für die Beschäftigten Griechenlands anzuschließen.

In Österreich sind bisher folgende Kundgebungen geplant:

Wien um 16.00 Uhr, vor der Griechischen Botschaft: Argentinierstraße 14, 1040 Wien

Graz, 16.00 h Hauptplatz/ Ecke Sporgasse

Support the General strike in Greece on the 5th of May!

On the first of May 2010 the European Left expresses its full solidarity to the forthcoming General Strike in Greece, taking place on the 5th of May 2010. The EL supports the Greek struggle in order to overthrow the invasion of the IMF. All policies of the IMF promote capitalist interests and increase unemployment and poverty throughout the EU, while at the same time private banks are bailed out by national governments and the European Central Bank with billions of euro.

The EL recalls that there is no crisis exit strategy without reinforcing real economy and employment, without more justice in the redistribution of wealth, without democratizing power and property, as a condition for mobilizing public funds.

Therefore the Party of the European supports the Greek people in their struggle for the Disengagement from the EU-IMF mechanism and from its neoliberal “know-how” and for a front of social and political forces; for a shield of protection against the crisis. The Dissolution of the social cohesion and the demolition of the social security system can not be part of the solution but will only deepen the crisis. Together with trade-unions and social movements we struggle for a social Europe!

On May 5 concentrations are called:

• In Vienna, in front of Greek embassy

• In Brussels, in front of the European Parliament

• In Bilbao, in front of the Greek Consulate

• In London, in front of the Greek embassy

• In Paris, in front of the representation of the EU

• In Berlin in front of the Chancellery

• In Budapest in front of the Greek embassy