Diverse Erklärungen linker und kommunistischer Parteien zum Krieg!

Ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

CP of Israel, Statement
From: Communist Party of Israel, 9 October 2001
http://www.maki.org.il , mailto:info@maki.org.il

From Shimon Gewing, 15/10/01
Position of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel
No to War! Yes to Peoples' Rights

The CPI denounces the use of terror and especially the use of terror against civilians, as a self-defeating criminal act that exacts a terrible price in human life. Accordingly, the CPI views the Sept. 11 attack on the WTC as a criminal act.

The U.S. government, using the attacks as an excuse to open a war on Afghanistan doesn't intend to confront the problem of terrorism but rather bring about a basic change in the rules of international relations, so that the U.S. hegonomy and the multinational corporations are strengthened on all continents.

The U. S. administation was and still is a loyal supporter of murderous dictatorial regimes as well as fundamentalist governmets, as long as they fit in with American plans and follow the American dictates. The present government in Afghanistan came to power thanks to the military-political support granted by the U.S and her allies to the Taliban. The fundamentalist Taliban continues to rule thanks to the support it recieves from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, countries under American patronage.

For these reasons, the CPI condemns the war, the aggression being waged by the Bush regime and Nato partners against Afganistan which is likely to destroy the Afghan economy, and exact a bitter price in Afghan lives.

The CPI fears that the intention of the Bush government is to turn the present war into a normal means of international behavior and to apply it to other countries that the U.S. will accuse of "terrorism" In the hysteria of war that the Bush administration is fostering, U.S. military aggression could reach Cuba as well as other Mid East states.

The CPI contends that no war, including one carried out by "smart" missiles and planes, will solve the problem of terrorism, whose roots lie in the real desperation and frustration of so many peoples of the third world.

The CPI applauds those anti-war activists, who express their opposition to terror and concern for the welfare of the nations by demonstrating in the U.S., across Europe, Japan, and other countries.

The CPI calls on all supporters of peace and democracy in Israel, Jews and Arabs, to stand up to the cynical exploitation of the war hysteria by the Sharon-Peres government to magnify the oppression of the occupation, including the daily deaths of Palestinians, the entry of Israeli forces into "Area A", the destruction of homes and orchards, and the establishment of additional settlements.

The road to peace and security for both peoples, the Israeli and the Palestinian, passes through the end of the occupation, the evacuation of the Israeli settlements, the establishment of the Palestinian State whos' capitol is East Jerusalem, and the solution of the refugee problem in accordance with the U.N. resolutions.

No to Terror Against Civilians Yes to a Just and Stable Peace Yes to People's Rights and Freedom

9 October 2001



El Partido Comunista Colombiano condena la operación militar iniciada por
los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña contra Afganist n que ha producido como
resultado inmediato la destrucción parcial de las ciudades de Kabul,
Kandajar y Jalalabal y seguramente la muerte de cientos de ciudadanos

Con el pretexto de la protección del régimen Talib n a Osama Bin Laden y
su organización Al-Qaeda, y sin evidencia contundente de que éste haya
el autor de los atentados producidos en Nueva York y Washington el pasado
11 de septiembre, se ha iniciado una guerra de venganza al margen del
Derecho Internacional, como una amenaza para la independencia de muchos
países y, en definitiva, contra la paz mundial. Este hecho por si mismo,
constituye un Acto de Terrorismo de Estado, de dos de las naciones m s
poderosas del mundo.

No es mediante el uso indiscriminado de la fuerza y la alternativa de la
guerra como se podr dar solución a los conflictos internacionales. Nos
unimos a las voces de protesta de millones de ciudadanos del mundo que
exigen parar inmediatamente esta nueva aventura militar que amenaza la paz
mundial y el futuro de la humanidad.

Rechazamos la postura del Presidente Pastrana en respaldo a semejante
agresión cuando Colombia est dentro de la mira del intervensionismo
militar de los Estados Unidos, de lo cual es un testimonio el Plan
Colombia, con la presencia de tropas, asesores, mandos militares y nuevos

Llamamos al pueblo colombiano a expresar su repudio a una política
contraria al Derecho de Autodeterminación de los pueblos y a la


Bogot , 7 de Octubre de 2.001.


CP of Bohemia and Moravia, Statement of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia CC's Executive Committee on the War in Afghanistan
From: Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Mon, 15 Oct 2001
mailto:leftnews@kscm.cz , http://www.kscm.cz

Statement of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia CC's Executive Committee on the War in Afghanistan

The EC does not regard the current bombing of Afghanistan and the resulting civilian casualties as an appropriate way of dealing with the problem of terrorism. These attacks have also brought more devastation to an already impoverished country and driven millions of people from their homes. This has only served to strengthen the terrorists and the inhuman Taliban regime. Other countries are also under threat. The aim of the current military operations is not to arrest bin Laden and members of his terrorist organisation. The obvious priority is a demonstration of force by the USA. Politicians in the USA are misusing the victims of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington to pursue their imperial policy. There are attempts to restrict the constiutional freedoms of citizens and persecute so-called "anti-American" attitudes.

The change in the character of the terrorist organisations and the growth of their destructive power is caused by and has its rooted in the world's global problems. Before, terrorism was deliberately made use of and supported by the big powers, but now it is beyond their control and has turned against them. However, the use of force is insufficient to eliminate terrorism, unless at the same time the huge social and political problems in a number of countries are tackled.

The EC is convinced that the road to a safe world lies in overcoming the big power character of the so-called "anti-terrorist coalition" on the basis of cooperation by all states and nations led by the United Nations, overcoming the vast differences between the North and the South, and collectively solving the exacerbated problems in the world, including the Palestinian question. Unilateral use of force and intimidation by military blocs and individual big powers can only seriously endanger world security. The repeated misuse of NATO confirms the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia in its view that NATO membership increases the security risks facing citizens of the Czech Republic.



Japanese CP, JCP Letter2 on Military Attack on Afghanistan
From: Japanese Communist Party, Fri, 12 Oct 2001
mailto:intl@jcp.or.jp , http://www.jcp.or.jp

Central Committee, Japanese Communist Party
Comité Central, Partido Comunista Japonés
Comité Central, Parti Communiste Japonais
Address: Sendagaya 4-26-7, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: +81-3-5474-8421, Fax: +81-3-3746-0767 E-mail: intl@jcp.or.jp
October 12, 2001

Dear friends,

The Japanese Communist Party has sent the second letter addressed to the head of each state and government in the world, under joint signature of Tetsuzo Fuwa, Central Committee Chairman and the Kazuo Shii, Executive Committee Chairman in relation to the start of military attacks on Afghanistan.
We send you a copy of the letter titled "Call for a Shift in the Course of Combating Terrorism, from Military Attacks and Escalation of War by a Handful of Countries to Sanctions with the UN at the Center and Bringing the Perpetrators to Justice".

Faithfully yours,

Derector of the International Bureau
Central Committee
Japanese Communist Party

October 11, 2001

Call for a Shift in the Course of Combating Terrorism, from Military Attacks and Escalation of War by a Handful of Countries to Sanctions with the UN at the Center and Bringing the Perpetrators to Justice

Letter to Heads of State and Government

The U.S. military forces along with the British forces initiated military attacks on Afghanistan on the night of October 7 Afghan time.

In the letter addressed to the heads of State and Government dated September 17, we condemned the massive terrorist attacks on the United States; we at the same time expressed our conviction that what is necessary to resolve the problem is not a rush to military retaliation, but indicting the perpetrators of the terror crimes and those who harbor them and applying sanctions against them to bring about their extradition, thus bringing them to justice with the United Nations at the center and based on the UN Charter and international law.

Without exhausting every means for indicting and applying sanctions with the United Nations at the center, a few countries started military attacks on Afghanistan. We cannot but point out that this will pose a great danger of creating more victims among those who took no part in the terror crimes, and also make it all the more difficult to find a reasonable solution.

Harboring hope for ending terrorism and achieving peace among nations, we once again send your Government a letter, and convey our position and proposal.

(1) The military strikes are taking the shape of a retaliatory war. In Afghanistan, a nongovernmental organization engaged in UN humanitarian aid was wrongly bombed and some of its employees were killed and injured, and thus more deaths are being caused among civilians. More and more innocent civilians are being victimized by the continued and expanded military action, which cannot be overlooked.

The U.S. government in its letter of October 7 addressed to the UN Security Council made mention of the possibility of expanding the targeted countries of its military attacks beyond Afghanistan. This has caused us strong worry about a possible expansion of the war on a larger scale.

It is also grave that splits and contradictions are growing among international public opinion which so far has been firmly united on the elimination of terrorism. A number of governments of Islamic countries are expressing opposition to the use of arms, and protests are spreading among Muslims. These splits will without fail give the terrorist forces the golden opportunity to expand their destructive activities. In this regard also, the situation is heading in an apprehensive direction.

Worse still, there is no certain prospect for reaching the target of apprehending the suspects and eliminating terrorism by continuing these military attacks.

(2) Who launched the heinous and massive terror attacks on the United States? The fundamental prerequisite to solve the case is identification of the perpetrators. In this context, Osama bin Laden's statement in the video footage broadcast on October 8 was of grave significance, which contained the following points:
--He expressed his total glorification of the terrorist attacks on the United States as a punishment by God, not a crime;
--In the face of the fact that he is suspected as the perpetrator by the world, he made no clarification whatsoever to deny the charges in his lengthy address;
--He virtually announced further terror attacks on the United States and other targets.

This is nothing but verification by himself of the serious charges that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, which he organized, were involved in the terrorist attacks on the United States and carried them out.

The Taliban has recognized that the terror attacks on the United States are a crime, and stated that had the charges on bin Laden become clear it would hand him over. It is now evident that extradition of bin Laden and his terrorist group is the Taliban's obligation to the international community.

(3) Based on these points, we believe what is now necessary is to shift the course of combating terrorism from military attacks and escalation of war waged by a handful of countries to sanctions and "justice" under the responsibility of the whole international community. We seek your understanding of this significance and appeal to the international community to this effect. From this position, we call for cessation of the ongoing military attacks. Only through this course can we rebuild the broadest international solidarity against terrorism, and proceed to eliminate the scourge of terrorism by encircling and isolating the forces of terror.

Our proposals are as follows:

First, the United Nations should officially confirm the charges against bin Laden over the recent terror incident and demand that the Taliban extradite bin Laden.

Second, if the Taliban refuses his extradition, the United Nations should apply sanctions as enforcement measures in accordance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter with full humanitarian consideration for the Afghan people. "Non-military measures", including economic sanctions, should be first applied on the basis of Article 41 of the UN Charter. But even after its full application, if the international community considers that those measures would be inadequate, it may be possible to take military measures based on Article 42 of the UN Charter.

Third, as regards bin Laden and other suspects, the whole truth should be brought to light by fair trial and they should be punished. Considering that the terrorist attacks were aimed at not only the United States but also the international community as a whole, setting up of a special international court under the United Nations should be studied.

All these measures have to be carried out through the united efforts of the international community with the United Nations at the center and under its control. For the elimination of international terrorism, it is vital to create, through isolation of terrorists by the whole international community, a situation in which there is no place for the terrorists to hide in the world. There is no organization but the United Nations that can play a central role and has the authority to carry it out.

We stress our conviction that this is the way to resolve the present situation based on reason and rational action.

The JCP wholeheartedly calls upon your Government to give this proposal due consideration and take a positive action in this direction to help arrive at a solution.

Tetsuzo FUWA
Chairman, Central Committee
Japanese Communist Party
Member, House of Representatives

Kazuo SHII
Chairman, Executive Committee
Japanese Communist Party
Member, House of Representatives


Portuguese CP, Communique by the Political Commission Portuguese CP
From: Portuguese Communist Party, 9th October 2001
mailto:pcp.dep@mail.telepac.pt , http://www.pcp.pt/pcp

Communique by the Political Commission Portuguese Communist Party

Regarding the armed attack carried out by the US against Afghanistan the Political Commission of the PCP wishes to point out the following:

1. It is obvious that it is not an escalation of war, decided and carried out by the US Administration, which we firmly condemn, that will seriously deal with the problem of international terrorism, which recently had a dramatic expression in the shocking attacks of 11th September.

2. The despotic and criminal «taliban» regime which, it should be noted, seized power in Afghanistan based on strong US support and complicity - does not obviously deserve any solidarity and has always mented a just and firm condemnation on PCP's part. The PCP expresses its deep concern about the serious possibility that the humanitarian tragedy already existing near afghan borders will be burdened by the sacrifice pf civilian populations lives, unfairly paying for the brutal attacks which claimed six thousands victims in the US.

3. Although, for the moment, the USA military attack is limited to Afghanistan, it should not be forgotten that following the 11th September attacks, the US Administration clearly expressed and claimed US's right to attack any country, out of its sole decision and choice. This constitutes a clear violation of the rules of international relationship and of the UN Charter, and will represent an increased factor of insecurity and confrontation in international life.
The PCP draws attention to the US purpose, under the guise of fighting terrorism, of strengthening strategic positions in the Middle East and Central Asia, and of arrogantly affirming its world wide hegemony.

The PCP opposes the dangerous involvement of Portugal in the escalation of war and reaffirms that it is in the national interest and that of the cause of justice and world peace that contrarily to a stand of explicit alignment with the decisions and actions of US Administration, the Portuguese government adopt a guideline which simultaneously supports the fight against all types of terrorism and puts a stop to an escalation of war of unforeseen developments and consequences.

9th October 2001
The Political Commission of PCP's Central Committee



CP of India(M), CPI(M) and left parties statements
From: Communist Party of India (Marxist), Tue, 09 Oct 2001
http://www.cpim.org , mailto:cpim@vsnl.com

October 9, 2001
Press Statement
The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement:

Oppose US Intent to Widen War

The United States Administration has formally notified the UN Security Council that the US could extend its military operations beyond Afghanistan. In an official communication to the Security Council on October 7, the Bush Administration has invoked the right of self-defence to attack Afghanistan and intimated the Council that military action against other countries could take place after its actions against Afghanistan.

By this step, the United States has confirmed that it seeks to militarily attack other countries, trampling upon national sovereignty and in flagrant defiance of international laws. The CPI(M) had earlier warned that the United States would seek to extend its global hegemony under this pretext. Within the Bush Administration, preparations are being made for attacks on Iraq and other targets in the Middle East.

The BJP-led government, by going alongwith the US plans, will be seriously harming India's interests. The Polit Bureau appeals to all secular and democratic political parties in India to demand that the Central government publicly oppose the notification made by the United States to the Security Council in this regard.

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) also expresses its serious concern at the reports that the Vajpayee government is continuing efforts to get involved in the US military operations. After offering refueling facilities for US military planes, it is now reported that the government is prepared to offer naval port facilities to American warships. The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) demands that the BJP-led government immediately clarify whether such a move is on.


The Communist Party of Finland rejects US and NATO attack against Afghanistan:

War is no solution!

The Communist Party of Finland rejects the attack launched by the USA and the United Kingdom against Afghanistan. War, which means destruction and killing of innocent civilians, is not the answer to terror.

The war unleashed by the United States will primarily affect others than terrorists and will claim a heavy toll among innocent civilians. It has already produced a huge refugee problem and threatens to worsen the starvation risk in Afghanistan, a country that has been seriously affected by wars and the undemocratic rule of the Taleban.

War will lead to an even more dangerous circle of violence, where the use of armed forces and killings will replace UN principles and international law.

The CPF demands that the Government and Parliament of Finland dissociate themselves from war and related EU decisions, which unfortunately have been unanimously supported by all parties of the ruling coalition. The CPF is of the opinion, that the readiness of the Government to grant US military aircraft, if requested by the USA, permission to use Finnish airspace and airports, radically contradicts the status of military non-alignment of Finland.

War cannot be accepted as a means to solve international problems. The UN Charter and decisions of the United Nations do not entitle the United States to transform self-defence into aggression against other countries.

We do not accept terrorism as we do not accept the punishment of an entire people because of the crimes committed by terrorists.

The causes, which generate hate, despair and terror, must be eradicated and a just and equitable world must be guaranteed to everybody. It is imperative to consolidate the position of the United Nations rather than applying the might is right principle. Peaceful solutions must be found to problems such as the human rights situation in Afghanistan and the implementation of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

Political Bureau of the CPF
Helsinki 8.10.01


08 October 2001


The South African Communist Party (SACP) condemns the bombing of
by the United States of America.

The US attacks will maim and kill innocent civilians and pepertuate their
poverty and suffering. This will affect women and children in particular
are already suffering terribly in the hands of the militias in Afghanistan.

The September 11 attacks were a tragic tale of terrorism and the
perpetrators must be brought to book within international law and justice
based on admissible evidence and the principle of +IBw-innocent until
guilty+IB0-. No matter what the provocation of the September 11 attacks
there is no justification for launching a war against Afghanistan or any
other country. Two wrongs do not make a right+ACE-

These attacks occur without any discussion of global terrorism at the
Nations General Assembly and by the peoples of the world generally. The US
uses the UN at its convenience and undermines it at will. The SACP
understands the September 11 attacks as not just against the US, but
human civilisation. Then all people of the world should have a say in the
appropriate response to these attacks. For the SACP this response must be
building global solidarity with people around the world struggling against
war, poverty and exploitation and deepening the movement to protest
unilateral aggression from whatever side.

The SACP calls on South Africans to be actively mobilised as churches,
mosques, political organisation, etc. against the US and for world peace.
This mobilisation will require working the together of all South Africans
a single movement for global peace and global justice. The SACP salutes
efforts by the people of the US, Japan, Western Europe and other parts of
the world for their actions to stop the US war on Afghanistan. In the long
term, the international working class movement and the people of the world
must intensify the struggle for the transformation of the UN and the
struggle against capitalism and US imperialism.

Mazibuko Kanyiso Jara (surname Jara)
Department of Media, Information and Publicity
South African Communist Party
Tel +IBM- 011 339 3621+ADs- Cell +IBM- 082 886 3528
Email +IBM- sacp1+AEA-wn.apc.org+ADs- Website +IBM- www.sacp.org.za


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